Monday, June 1, 2015

Herb Garden, Part Deux

As part of this spring's plantings I had put in an herb garden. Sadly, I did not make my little herb garden monsoon-proof and just about everything in it drowned. I had planted everything in a wading pool buried in the ground (a trick I learned from my grandma to keep the more aggressive herbs from spreading) but I failed to  provide adequate drainage. I think it would work if I put a good layer of sand under it, so maybe I'll reuse it for some mint next spring.

Now, a dead herb garden simply won't do. How am I supposed to make delicious salsas, sauces, and pickled things without any fresh herbs?

Today I dug out the pool and moved it. There were a few sprigs of sweet basil that survived and all of the garlic chives pulled through.

There can be only one!

I dug out a new plot and mixed a lot of peat moss, compost, manure, and sand into native soil. It may not be a raised bed (this year) but hopefully it will keep all the new plants happy.

Jack supervised.

And here we have rebuilt it. Better... stronger... faster. More herb-y than it was before... well, except for the dill. I'm still searching for a nice dill plant. The pickles aren't going to dill themselves.

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