Friday, July 1, 2016

Dropping Some Acid Stain

Update time! Things are really starting to pick up. Getting the first course of blocks down was pretty time consuming, mostly because I had to get everything placed just so. Of course I also had regular assistance from the rain fairy.

Once the first course was set, the second went in really fast. And here we are!

The next course will be above grade. I really hate gray and I really hate the look of bare concrete, so I wanted something nicer than plain concrete blocks. My initial plan was to use colored split faced blocks. However one of the drawbacks to living this far out is that getting large heavy things delivered can be quite costly. I did find one place that would sell in smaller quantities, but while considering the price of the blocks and delivery I looked into some alternatives.

One thing I kept coming across was acid stained concrete. Usually this is done to floors and the results can be stunning. I could not find any examples of it being done to blocks, however, so I decided it was time to experiment.

I got sample sizes of some Vivid brand acid stain from Amazon. First I did some sample swatches on a couple different block types. From left to right they are Mission Brown, Weathered Terracotta, Amber, Caramel, and Jade.

Vivid Acid Stain

Then I used a stain pad to apply the stain in a mottled pattern.

Staining Concrete Blocks

After four four hours I hose the blocks off and give them a light scrub with a wire bush.

Cinder Block Stain

Here they are after they dry. I will most likely apply a sealant that gives them a permanent wet look. Because reasons. 

Concrete block stain

Here they are dry stacked to give me an idea how they will look once they are installed. The blotchiness is because they got wet overnight and are still drying off.

Personally, I think this is much better looking than the split faced blocks. Besides, I've started noticing how common split face is in cheap crappy retail buildings. The local Walmart, Burger King, and Taco Bell: all built out of split face.

Yeah, my blocks are way better.

So now I have three gallons of acid stain being shipped my way. They won't be here until Wednesday, so I'll have to find something else to do this weekend. Until then, have some chicken photos.

Olive Egger Rooster

Welsummer Hen

Maran Rooster

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Coming Home to Roost

Today we finished enough of the chicken coop that we could move the birds from their brood box to their chicken house.

reclaimed wood coop

While there's still siding and painting to do on the coop, I'm quite please with how it came out. It is made from about 95% reclaimed materials. We only had to spend around $150 on the whole deal. I'll do another post on how it was done once it's finished.

Once we had the birds settled into their new digs we needed to show Jack his new friends. I had Ann bring him over to the open door. This was his face:

orange tabby
Kitty mind blown

My ballsy little Black Copper Maran rooster stood in the doorway and stared him down.

young copper maran

Jack is not pleased.

This cat food sucks
Why did you put tiny dinosaurs in my cat fort?

So, without further ado, here are some photos of our feathered minions.


Welsummers are a breed that can be sexed right after they hatch, so I have just one Welsummer girl. She has lovely warm brown plumage coming in and is sweet but rather shy.

wellsummer pullet

wellsummer pullet

Black Copper Marans

First, look at the feathered feet! These guys are going to need hobbit names.

copper maran feet
Of the four Marans, were're almost certain that two are hens and two are roos.

young maran rooster
maran eight weeks


Two of the Ameraucana chicks are definitely hens. They are very good natured birds and their muffs and beards give their faces this soft sweet look.

Black Ameraucana pullet

Ameraucana muff

Chicken Combo Number One

This guy was supposed to be our third Black Ameraucana, but he doesn't look quite up to spec. He has a single comb instead of a rose comb and he's quite clearly not solid black. I suspect that a Welsummer cockerel was sneaking into the Ameraucana pen and was having his way with the hens.

I guess you could say that he had a... side chick.


Anyway, I was planning on cross breeding to get some olive eggers, so this guy is totally welcome in our flock. He's so far the only one we've named. Since he's our first cross-breed, he is chicken combo number one (comes with fries and a drink). Since he's number one, his name is clearly First Officer Welsummer Riker.

Just look at that face.

Ameraucana welsummer cross

They haven't ventured out into the run yet, but after they get settled in maybe they'll get bold and venture out (where no chicken has gone before).

The hens should start laying sometime in August. I'm really looking forward to blue, brown, and speckled eggs.

More posts as things happen.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

I Like Potatoes

It's finally that time of year where I can start putting plants in the ground. I usually wait until the first of May for anything that a cold snap will kill, but it's not too early to plant the potatoes.

I am so gay for potatoes

We just managed to get some more deck wood for a new raised bed. Every spring the suburbs have a big item pickup day where people put all kinds of large items out to be hauled off to the landfill. These events have become a minor religious holiday for us. We've been able to get all kinds of things for our project. This time around we got wood.

This year I will be planting five different varieties. They are (from left to right in the photo below): some blue potato from a big box store that I don't know the name of, pinto potatoes from Moose Tubers, Magic Mollies from Moose Tubers, Viking Purple potatoes from Territorial Seed Company, and some regular grocery store baking potato that I spouted.

Here's a close up comparison between the two blue potatoes. The big box store potato is on the left, Moose Tuber's Magic Molly is on the right. You can see just how much more pigmentation the Mollies have than the store bought ones. Big shocker there.

Magic Molly Potato

So, in the ground they go. I was able to get about 14 pieces from the box store blues, 16 each of the Pintos and Mollies, 21 pieces out of the Viking Purples, and just 5 from my grocery store baker.

Of course I totally underestimated how many pieces I would get so some have to go into a spare bed until I can get a second one built. Until then, I made a little sign to remember what I planted here.

Hey, Sam! What did I plant here?


Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Box of Undercooked Nuggets

Today we acquired a new addition to the homestead. Meet our ambulatory puffballs.

Initially, we were going to start our honeybees this year and chickens next year. However, after reading up on beekeeping, I decided that the chickens will actually be easier and cheaper for us to start. We have pretty much everything we need to build the coop now, so that project will start tomorrow.

We found a local breeder that was raising the two breeds I really wanted: Black Copper Marans and Amereucanas. She had several other breeds as well, and I decided I really needed a Welsummer pullet too.

Right now they are settling into their new surroundings and doing well. I'm letting them have some quiet but just had to snap a few photos first.

Amereucana (Beard!)

Black Copper Maran (look at the fuzzy feet!)

Welsummer (She looks like a chipmunk from above :D)

UPDATE PHOTOS! They're about two and half weeks old and becoming much more chicken-like


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Today Things Were On Fire

It's been a good couple of weeks. The weather has been nice. I rebuilt the batter boards. I'm getting everything leveled out. I've poured about a ton and a half of cement in the ground. I have a large stack of cinder blocks and am preparing to get them in the ground.

This evening as I was finishing up, the farmer that owns the surrounding land came out and started some controlled burns. At first I thought it strange that he would start so late in the day. However, when the sun got low in the sky the flames and smoke were just stunning to look at. I grabbed my camera and shot some images to share.

While shooting this I saw a squirrel on our land for the first time. We have a lot of hawks and eagles out here, so small eatable creatures tend to lay low. This little guy, however, was tearing through the tree tops as fast as his little squirrel legs would propel him. I believe he was saying in squirrel language, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, HOT, shit, shit shit."

While on the roof of the little house, I also took a shot of the build site. I think I'll be taking progression shots from up there as things progress.

More as it happens.

Monday, February 15, 2016

It's So Warm for February.

It's so nice out today, I'm doing prep work for the next step. I put straw down on the concrete to protect it over the winter. Right now I'm pulling that straw up. It has been sitting in water for three months. It does not smell nice, but it will make a nice addition to the compost heap. Hope no one complains to the county about it... who ever or where ever these tattle tails are.

There are honey bees out today. They seem to be drawn to the water and are keeping me company. I'm tempted to go raid a post-Valentine's day flower display and leave them out so the bees can have some nectar. I must make a point to plant some early blooming flowers this fall. Sad bees make me sad.

Pictures later!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Building Department, Round 6.825

So... after getting that mildly threatening letter from the county, and being told that we have to get a surety bond to renew our residence permit...

After telling them that the original inspector told us we didn't need one...

After contacting multiple online surety bond companies and being told that we can't get a surety bond for simply moving/disconnecting a trailer...

After contacting multiple local surety bond agents and being told the same thing...

After calling the building department and having them refer us to the local agent that supposedly does these surety bonds...

After driving to the recommended agent's office...

The agent looks the building department's form and says he can't write a bond for simply moving/disconnecting a trailer.

He calls the building department and tells them this.

Now the building department says we don't need one.
This is my face right now
On the plus side, now I can use that money for building materials instead of a stupid bond. We also went ahead and renewed the building permit and I can start doing some preliminary work on the site. It's still too cold to start on the masonry, but I can get things ready. I want to hit the ground running this spring.