Saturday, April 23, 2016

I Like Potatoes

It's finally that time of year where I can start putting plants in the ground. I usually wait until the first of May for anything that a cold snap will kill, but it's not too early to plant the potatoes.

I am so gay for potatoes

We just managed to get some more deck wood for a new raised bed. Every spring the suburbs have a big item pickup day where people put all kinds of large items out to be hauled off to the landfill. These events have become a minor religious holiday for us. We've been able to get all kinds of things for our project. This time around we got wood.

This year I will be planting five different varieties. They are (from left to right in the photo below): some blue potato from a big box store that I don't know the name of, pinto potatoes from Moose Tubers, Magic Mollies from Moose Tubers, Viking Purple potatoes from Territorial Seed Company, and some regular grocery store baking potato that I spouted.

Here's a close up comparison between the two blue potatoes. The big box store potato is on the left, Moose Tuber's Magic Molly is on the right. You can see just how much more pigmentation the Mollies have than the store bought ones. Big shocker there.

Magic Molly Potato

So, in the ground they go. I was able to get about 14 pieces from the box store blues, 16 each of the Pintos and Mollies, 21 pieces out of the Viking Purples, and just 5 from my grocery store baker.

Of course I totally underestimated how many pieces I would get so some have to go into a spare bed until I can get a second one built. Until then, I made a little sign to remember what I planted here.

Hey, Sam! What did I plant here?


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