Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Box of Undercooked Nuggets

Today we acquired a new addition to the homestead. Meet our ambulatory puffballs.

Initially, we were going to start our honeybees this year and chickens next year. However, after reading up on beekeeping, I decided that the chickens will actually be easier and cheaper for us to start. We have pretty much everything we need to build the coop now, so that project will start tomorrow.

We found a local breeder that was raising the two breeds I really wanted: Black Copper Marans and Amereucanas. She had several other breeds as well, and I decided I really needed a Welsummer pullet too.

Right now they are settling into their new surroundings and doing well. I'm letting them have some quiet but just had to snap a few photos first.

Amereucana (Beard!)

Black Copper Maran (look at the fuzzy feet!)

Welsummer (She looks like a chipmunk from above :D)

UPDATE PHOTOS! They're about two and half weeks old and becoming much more chicken-like


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Today Things Were On Fire

It's been a good couple of weeks. The weather has been nice. I rebuilt the batter boards. I'm getting everything leveled out. I've poured about a ton and a half of cement in the ground. I have a large stack of cinder blocks and am preparing to get them in the ground.

This evening as I was finishing up, the farmer that owns the surrounding land came out and started some controlled burns. At first I thought it strange that he would start so late in the day. However, when the sun got low in the sky the flames and smoke were just stunning to look at. I grabbed my camera and shot some images to share.

While shooting this I saw a squirrel on our land for the first time. We have a lot of hawks and eagles out here, so small eatable creatures tend to lay low. This little guy, however, was tearing through the tree tops as fast as his little squirrel legs would propel him. I believe he was saying in squirrel language, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, HOT, shit, shit shit."

While on the roof of the little house, I also took a shot of the build site. I think I'll be taking progression shots from up there as things progress.

More as it happens.