Thursday, October 30, 2014


There's nothing really major to write about today. I don't have any dorky drawings, or big announcements, or chilling tales to tell. However, I feel like tonight is a turning point of sorts. I hope. I seems that my husband's new employers have finally given him a full forty hours this week.

Huge fucking YAY!

This is a very good development. See, Andy started looking for work closer to our land so we could save money on gas and take one more step towards making this area our home. He found a staffing agency that told him they had several immediate full-time positions for him. So he quit his old job and accepted one of the agency's positions.

Only the employer told him to come back on Monday for his first day of work.

Then on Monday he was told to come back on Thursday.

Then come back the following Monday.

And on it went with a day of work here, or a couple days there sprinkled in between. After several weeks of working with the employer and the agency and filling out applications elsewhere, I think we  may be on solid ground.

Knock on wood.

The situation was doing very bad things to my head. It was like creepy Uncle Bad Touch for my brain. I had to really speed up selling off my ponies to make up for the lost income, but hopefully I can relax a little now.

To celebrate, I indulged myself. Instead of getting the crappy coffee in the big can I got the fancy coffee in the bag.

Livin' large.

For the rest of the night I'm going to kick back, put on some Netflix, and clean up some ponies.

Hot sauce, pop tarts, and ponies. Because I'm an adult.

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